Minggu, 22 November 2009


Mohammad Suyanto


Globalization and free markets was expected as the global effort to improve efficiency. Global trade helped many countries to grow more rapidly. Globalization is also considered a developing country have access to knowledge that can ‘not be obtained previously. Globalization as the progress that developing countries should be accepted, if they want to grow and fight poverty effectively. But for most people in developing countries, globalization has not brought the promised economic benefits. Globalization in developing countries practice the efficiency of the world should pay for the welfare of developed countries. Globalization and the introduction of market economy has not given the promised results in Russia and for most other economies that are doing the transition from communism to a market economy system. Instead the system produces such great poverty (Stiglitz, 2002:7). The increasingly wide gap between the rich and the poor has led to more and more people in the Third World became increasingly poor. Globalization led to injustice in the world exploit the company's actions, destruction of natural resources throughout the world especially in developing countries, the endangered world peace, increased poverty and dehumanization. Racism, militarism and materialism built in globalization. Globalization also has not managed to guarantee the financial stability of the world. Now might be a good time for investors to open and read the Qur'an. Stocks and other investments that follow the laws of sharia (Islamic law) has shown that performance even better than the broader market. This condition thanks to rules that prohibit investments in bonds and debt berjaminan assets other problems that can cause destruction in the conventional financial environment (Balfour, 2008). Sharia is the guideline that a man in the grip of grace to God and closer to Him (Al Maraghiy, 1970:261). According to Imam al-Ghazali, the main purpose of sharia is to encourage human welfare, to ensure the protection of religion (din), soul (nafs), reason (aql), offspring (nasl), and property (maal). So Islamic economics can be defined as encouraging economic human welfare, to ensure the protection of religion (din), soul (nafs), reason (aql), offspring (nasl), and property (maal). I study in 2007, showed that the implementation of sharia principles in Sharia Bank in Indonesia has become a good and consistent and sustainable impact was higher the greater the profitability and solvency as well as more useful for small businessmen who became the Islamic bank customers. Performance Bank Islamic Banking, the better it have an impact on increasing funding and improving and increasing qordul hasan charity, infaq, sodaqoh and social activities related to Islamic Banking activities in Indonesia. Performance of Islamic Banking, the better it affects the increase of salaries and bonuses of employees and the general increase in employee benefits and the allowance of religious employees. Implementation of sharia principles in Sharia Bank in Indonesia has become a good and consistent and sustainable impact was higher the performance of Islamic Banks. Furthermore the higher the performance of Islamic Banking will be an impact on improving the welfare of employees of Bank Syariah. This was confirmed by quantitative test results using the analysis tool Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) that the implementation of sharia principles by intervening variables positively affect the performance significantly for the welfare of employees with a path coefficient of indirect effect is 0.85 (greater than 0.08) which means that the higher the implementation of sharia principles by intervening performance will improve the welfare of employees at the Islamic Bank in Indonesia, means that the implementation of sharia principles, the better (Kaffah) will improve the performance of Islamic banks and will increase the welfare of employees Islamic Bank, and vice versa. Implementation of sharia principles in Sharia Bank in Indonesia has become a good and consistent and sustainable impact was higher the performance of Islamic Banks. Furthermore the higher the performance of Islamic Banking will be an impact on the improvement of social welfare related to Islamic Banking. The implementation of sharia principles of positive affect significantly the performance of the banks, no significant direct effect on the welfare of employees and no significant direct effect on the welfare of the community relating to Islamic Banking activities in Indonesia, but the implementation of sharia principles by intervening variables affect the bank's performance positively significant impact on public welfare-related activities and the welfare of Islamic Banking Islamic Bank employees in Indonesia. Directly affect the bank's performance in a positive significant impact on community welfare activities relating to Islamic Banking in Indonesia and the welfare of employees at the Indonesian Islamic Banking and the word of God God justifies the purchase and sale and forbidden usury applies Sharia Bank in Indonesia. The concept of value for money we are slowly sliding into maslahah concept, which encourages the concept of human welfare, to ensure the protection of religion (din), soul (nafs), reason (aql), offspring (nasl), and property (maal) and keadilah, the welfare of my love and wisdom of the world and the hereafter. The concept of property (money) which is owned by individuals who are absolutely a treasure is God's mandate for another benefit. Competition is killing each other we slide into a mutually helpful. Sharia principles proven to enhance operational performance of Islamic institutions. With the enactment of Law No.21 Year 2008 about Islamic Banking which was published on July 16, 2008, the development of a national Islamic banking industry increasingly has adequate legal basis and will encourage faster growth again. With the impressive development progress, which reached an average asset growth of more than 65% annually in the last five years, it is expected that Islamic banking industry's role in supporting the national economy will be more significant (Bank Indonesia, 2008) Finally, we will shift from economic globalization to economic democratization and further into the economic virtues.